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Q ENERGY is a driving force behind the deployment of innovative, renewable energy solutions across Europe.

Through our business, we enable investments and jobs that are both financially attractive and a significant positive contribution to the sustainable development agenda. This is the very core of our corporate purpose, to empower a sustainable world with green energy. That makes us proud and drives us every day. 

During the development, construction and operation of renewable energy solutions, our company makes environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) decisions that additionally impact or depend on the sustainability agenda, both in Europe and globally. 

In line with our purpose and our strategic understanding of the industry, we want to make prepared and active decisions. To support this goal, the board decided in 2022 to launch a dedicated ESG management program at group level.

Advancing ESG sustainability: Strategic initiatives and commitments at Q ENERGY

Our ESG commitments and action areas are based on consultation with leading frameworks such as the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).


Climate protection, resource efficiency and sustainable landuse.


Diversity, health, people empowerment, human rights, thriving local communities.


Good corporate conduct and governance, responsible corporate culture.

​​​Aligning business impact with environmental social governance (ESG) goals​​

The more specific action areas are determined both by relevance (materiality) to our business and by the impact of our business on sustainable development, which we believe is reflected in various expectations of our diverse stakeholder groups. 

Although we set annual priority projects, we strive for continuous improvement in each action area as part of a coherent management cycle.

​​​Governance structure for ESG sustainability at Q ENERGY​​

To bring this approach to life, we have established a dedicated governance structure for our ESG ​Sustainability ​program. It is coordinated daily by our ESG team. For each ESG action area, senior management colleagues from relevant functions and business units are assigned to support the implementation of measures and the review of results. The Board, including the CEO, reviews progress on priority ESG projects, KPIs, selected trends and program direction, including resource allocation, quarterly. Finally, we aim to publicly report on our ESG program at group level annually from FY 24 onwards.

The CSR report of Q ENERGY France 2021.


The latest CSR report of Q ENERGY 2022.


CSR initiatives

March 2022

Fundraising campaign for “Aktionsbündnis Deutschland hilft” for the victims of the war in Ukraine

As part of a fundraising campaign by employees and companies for the benefit of “Aktionsbündnis Deutschland hilft” for the victims of the war in Ukraine, the company has doubled the amount donated by employees. The money goes to aid projects run by various organisations such as Arbeiter Samariter Bund e.V., Care Deutschland e.V., Johanniter Unfallhilfe e.V., World Vision Deutschland e.V. or Kinderhilfswerk Stiftung Global Care e.V. They provide clean drinking water, food, clothing and hygiene articles, guarantee emergency medical and psychosocial care, organise transports and evacuations as well as the expansion of emergency shelters.


Annual sustainable mobility week

For more than 10 years, Q ENERGY France organises annually a Sustainable Mobility Week, during the European Commission’s flagship awareness-raising campaign which happens every September. The aim of this week is to limit our CO₂ emissions linked to commuting by raising awareness of the use of sustainable means of transport (cycling, car-pooling, public transport, even canoeing !). To achieve this, events are organised at our different offices (distribution of safety kits, bike repair workshops, tips on eco-driving, car-sharing, challenges, etc).

In 2022, Q ENERGY was also very proud to receive the Sustainable Business Mobility Prize at the first edition of the “Grands Prix de l'Écomobilité” organized by the French national railways, SNCF.


Quality of life at work week

Q ENERGY France participates every year in the Quality of Life at Work Week, organised by the ANACT-ARACT network (National Agency for the Improvement of Working Conditions). A special program is open to all employees for the occasion. The objective of this week is to establish new, healthier habits, to enhance well-being at work. In 2022, for example, we kicked off the week with a delicious breakfast in our offices, fostering a friendly atmosphere and sharing healthy food. The momentum carried on with engaging webinars and workshops focused on posturology, mental well-being, development of self-confidence, eye yoga and nutrition. In each office, members of the HR and HSE team led workshops to raise awareness of psychosocial risks. Finally, a survey was carried out to assess opinions on quality of life at work within the company.


Renewable energy in the offices

The electricity in all the Q ENERGY offices in France is supplied from renewable energy sources, either thanks to 100% green energy contracts or through green energy certificates. The building of our head office in Avignon is compliant to a “High Environmental Quality” approach. It benefits, amongst other solutions from a double-flow ventilation unit, allowing preheating or cooling of incoming air with outgoing air, high-efficiency reversible air conditioning, a green roof terrace which promotes thermal inertia to achieve significant energy savings, photovoltaic panels on the south facade serving as sunshades, a photovoltaic solar installation of 10.15 kW, domestic hot water powered by a thermal solar panel and also we have photovoltaic carports and charging stations for electric cars.