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Electricity market prices are very volatile, as we have seen in recent months. Faced with rising energy prices, Q ENERGY can provide solutions that combine business competitiveness with the green energy transition.

Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (CPPA) between renewable energy producers and industrial consumers are a response to the ever-rising energy prices.

This new type of contract offers you the possibility of having long-term contracts with a guaranteed fixed price for electricity over 15 to 20 years and at the same, providing you with clean, green energy.

The advantages of a CPPA are numerous:


Meet the decarbonisation objectives of your business while playing an active part in the energy transition.

Energy purchasing

To provide visibility and secure your purchases with long-term prices - it will also allow you to diversify your purchasing portfolio.


Show your leadership in the market in terms of your sustainability strategy for all your stakeholders.


A competitive rate for the purchase of your electricity.

Want to find out more?


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