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Sustain and diversify the benefits of your farms!

As a farmer, you face the challenges of climate change head on. How can you protect your crops from hail or limit the impact of extreme temperatures that have a lasting effect on your crop yields?


Agrivoltaics: synergy for your farm

Agrivoltaic installations, which are a synergy between your agricultural production and the creation of solar energy, can be a solution for your farm.

Our experts will use your current production methods as a basis for proposing a project that meets your needs and is adapted to your technical itinerary.

With this project, you'll be able to combine complementary uses in the same space, whether you're a sheep farmer, a cattle farmer, a tree farmer, a market gardener or a field crop grower...


To support you, we are constantly seeking to innovate through agrivoltaic prototypes in synergy with poultry production, hydroponics or hops, for example.

What's more, depending on your agrivoltaic project, you may be able to generate additional income to help you diversify your production, invest in farm equipment or hire new staff.

Let's discuss the agrivoltaic potential of your farm.


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