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Q ENERGY announces the signature of a 29 MW Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (cPPA) with the major French retail group Les Mousquetaires

Q ENERGY, a major European green energy player and subsidiary of top tier Korean enterprise Hanwha Solutions, and “Les Mousquetaires”, a key player in large-scale retail in France, announce that they have signed a Corporate Power Purchase Agreement for solar electricity. With an installed capacity of 29 megawatts of solar power over 15 years, this cPPA testifies to both partners’ ambitions to drive the green energy transition.

The cPPA was signed between the company’s French business, Q ENERGY France and Les Mousquetaires on 4th April. It will provide 33 GWh of renewable electricity annually and will thus cover 1.3% of the total annual energy needs of the retail Group, which include more than 3000 points of sale in France, such as Intermarché and Netto supermarkets, DIY superstores and motoring services, logistic bases, and production units. Named Chaume Solar, the ground-mounted solar plant is currently under construction by Q ENERGY in the Sarthe region in France, more specifically at the villages of Saint-Pierre-de-Chevillé and Dissay-sous-Courcillon. The plant, to be commissioned early 2024, will avoid the emission of the equivalent of 9,000 tonnes of CO2 per annum.

A project combining solar photovoltaic energy and agricultural needs

Q ENERGY France, true to its aim of co-creation in local communities, is committed to ensuring that this solar PV project will create synergies with local farmers. Two partnerships are being developed to allow farmers to use part of the land to develop grazing and beekeeping activities.

Les Mousquetaires driving the energy transition

The Les Mousquetaires Group is leading an energy transition based on improving its energy performance, controlling costs, increasing the proportion of self-consumption in its supply, and participating in the development of new forms of transport.

"This partnership supports our roadmap to achieve our energy objectives such as reducing our costs, risk management at our points of sale and our desire to be an active player in the energy transition. This cPPA means we can diversify our tools and methods. This is an approach that goes hand in hand with other actions we carry out, such as the global management and securing of our supplies through a better energy mix," says Bruno Breyne, Mousquetaires store Director in charge of the Energy Department of Les Mousquetaires Group.

"We are proud to be sustainably committed to the energy transition alongside Les Mousquetaires, by building new solar capacities independent of the French Energy Regulatory Commission solar tenders. This agreement again demonstrates the attractiveness and competitiveness of solar energy in France. With the agricultural activity associated with the project, we are also pursuing our desire to be a committed partner in the local community" adds Ludovic Ferrer, Commercial Director of Q ENERGY France.

[Translate to English:] Les Mousquetaires et Q ENERGY France annoncent la signature d’un contrat d’achat direct d’électricité renouvelable

Q ENERGY Solutions SE
Jochen Endle

Raya Rizk I Camille Techer
07 85 15 22 40 I 07 62 15 76 99 

Les Mousquetaires
Charlotte Rabilloud – 
06 62 03 28 34
01 85 78 66 32
Michelle Kamar – 
06 09 24 42 42 
01 85 78 66 31